Claim money that is owed to you and your family.

Searching for you or your family's unclaimed property? Type in you or your family member's name into the search box below.

After pressing the “Search Now” button, we will locate and show you how much missing money may belong to you, or the person you have searched for.

We recommend searching for yourself, a spouse, children, decreased grandparents and relatives. You can even search for your friends. If you locate any money, you can sign up for our services to recover your missing money.

How do I claim my unclaimed money?

After you locate your unclaimed money using our search. We'll provide you with instructions on how to get your money back from your local, state, or federal office.

Generally you'll send in an official form, that we provide you, that you have to sign and send it. Once the governmental office receives your paperwork, they'll send you a check in the mail.

Just like this one recently received by one of our members!

Unclaimed Money Check from State of California

Search for a unclaimed money from every local, state, and federal database using our instant search.

We are is proud to have one of the largest databases, if not the largest database, of unclaimed property claims on the internet.

For over 5 years, we’ve helped thousands of people, just like you recover unclaimed money for themselves, and their families.

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